You've already heard about the incident and seen the video involving Andrew Meyer , a 21-year old University of Florida student who was tasered by police for disrupting an on-campus speech being given by Senator John Kerry .
Meyer has his own website, and a reputation for being a practical joker, but this time the kid took it a bit too far.
Meyer's wailing and theatrics, as officers tried to escort him out of the auditorium, were "over the top." (And, if it wasn't a publicity stunt, the kid's response suggests that he suffers from a form of mental illness which needs to be examined.)
Meyer faces an array of criminal charges (for disrupting the event), and there's also the possibility of suspension or expulsion from the University. And, frankly, after seeing the video of the arrest, we have no sympathy for the guy.
As CNN Host Nancy Grace has been known to proclaim, "HE SHOULD FRY!"
Undeniably, officers overreacted when they tasered the big lug (and will likely face discipline and a civil lawsuit for that conduct), but that doesn't excuse Meyer's misbehavior. The University's Student Conduct Code is clear. Students are not permitted to disrupt school related events, engage in violative on-campus demonstrations, and/or breach the peace.*
An example needs to be made, and a message sent to others, that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.
There's a time and place for expressing oneself. This wasn't it.

To download a copy of the video, please use this link: Andrew Meyer's arrest
Now watch: We're willing to bet the kid gets offered a lucrative job with some comedy show, or ends up with a multi-million dollar book and movie deal. (We could just see him doing shtik for the likes of Howard Stern . Sad, no?)
Conduct that is disruptive to the University's educational objectives, to its operations, or to its officials, staff, and faculty in the performance of their work, or to any other aspect of its mission. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to:
1. Disruption of a class, University activity, or any other normal activity held on University property or at a University location.
2. Classroom behavior that interferes with either (a) the instructor's ability to conduct the class or (b) the ability of other students to benefit from the instructional program.
3. Violation of the Campus Demonstration Regulation, Regulation 6C1-2.002.
4. Conduct which is disorderly or a breach of the peace.* * *
1. Demonstrations may be held anywhere on the campus, so long as they do not disrupt the normal operation of the University community, except that no demonstrations are permitted inside University buildings. Although no specific areas on the campus are designated for the purpose of demonstrations or impromptu speeches, exclusive use of the Plaza of the Americas for this purpose may be obtained by prior clearance through the Office of Student Activities (300 JWRU). Any use of sound amplification equipment on the campus must also have prior clearance through this office.2. In order that demonstrators not interfere with the operation of the University or the rights of others, they shall not:
a. obstruct vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, or other traffic;
b. obstruct entrances or exits to buildings or driveways;
c. interfere with educational activities inside or outside the building;
d. harass passersby or otherwise disrupt normal activities;
e. interfere with or preclude a scheduled speaker from being heard;
f. interfere with scheduled University ceremonies or events; or
g. damage property, including lawns, shrubs, or trees.