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Would you believe I got yet another call from the Bronx Democratic County Committee (BDCC)  about that Hillary event scheduled for Sunday, November 4? 

(They must be having problems filling those seats. Over the last several weeks, I've received at least three calls and a fax from the BDCC.)

This time, it appears the BDCC is retracting its publicly stated position that the event would be open to men. In a prior Daily News report, Councilwoman Maria Baez was quoted as saying:

"[W]e're not going to say, 'You can't come in,'" she said. "We certainly love the males of our borough. But this is about having women come forward from the borough and honoring women."

Here's unedited transcript of the voicemail message I received on Friday:

12:44 PM: Good morning, Mr. Ferrara, my name is Nilda Velásquez and I'm calling on behalf on the Bronx Democratic County Committee. I'm calling in behalf of a fax that was faxed to you regarding our annual "Ms. Luncheon." Ah, we will be honoring, Hillary Clinton, ah, speaker Quinn, from the City Council, and Secretary of State, Lorraine Cortes-Vasquez. It's going to be held, November 4th at Maestro's. If you're interested in having a female friend, wife or family member attend, 'cause it's only women only, could you please get back to me at 718-931-5200? Thank you very much. Bye, bye. [Emphasis added.]

More hypocrisy?

We think this whole thing is an utter shame.

For our prior blog posts on this topic, please use this link: Hillary's Women-only Luncheon

To view our response to the invite, please use this link: Our RSVP to BDCC
