According to historians, cosmetics date back to 6000 BC, when the Ancient Egyptians believed that the application of colors and patterns to the face (and other parts of the body) appealed to the Gods. They also believed its use not only protected them from the “Evil Eye,” but from sun damage, and various diseases.
Our MAKEUP — written and directed by Hugo Andre — is more of a modern invention. In this “dramedy,” an introverted French food critic relocates to London to begin a new life as a food critic. After renting a room in a house belonging to a successful stockbroker, an unusual friendship is formed … and secrets are slowly revealed.
To learn more about this new MAKEUP, visit: https://linktr.ee/makeupfilm
You’ll find this feature-length motion picture on all major screening platforms, like Amazon and Apple. And if you live in Australia, Canada, Mexico, the U.S, or New Zealand, you can watch the movie — for FREE — on TUBI! Link here: https://tubitv.com/movies/100006808/makeup
Special thanks to the entire MAKEUP team for their contributions to this unique film.
Director: Hugo Andre
Written by: Hugo Andre & Will Masheter
Producer: Lucas A. Ferrara
APs: Will Masheter, Stuart Wolfe-Murray, Kelley Daniel, Hugo Andre
DOP: Dylan Vivian
1AC: Flo Goodlad-Skinner
2AC: Teddy Skinner
Sound Design: Atom Inions Morton
Music: Archie Jennings
H&MU: Georgia English, Alesia Baiocco
Cast: Hugo Andre, Will Masheter, Kent Goldfinch, Zak Watson Smith, Adam Starkey, Lloyd Mundell, Julia Anwuli Sydenham, Stuart Wolfe-Murray, Maria Lidze, Pete lnskip, Adele Marie, Charlie Baker, Ezekiel Martin, Lawrence Visconti, Louis Circe, Edward Saunders, Jorge Field, Daisy Hirst, Shaelyn Newmarch, Guillaume Trouson, Dorian Semencic.
Looking to ward off the “Evil Eye?” …. We suggest you try our MAKEUP!
MAKEUP is exclusively distributed by FREESTYLE DIGITAL MEDIA and is represented by STRIKE MEDIA.
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To view a list of some of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://linktr.ee/lucasaferrara
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