On Wednesday, March 13, 2024, FILM THREAT, an online film review resource, released a critique of MAKEUP — a movie written and directed by Hugo Andre, and distributed worldwide by Freestyle Digital Media.
In this award-award-winning film, which you can find on all the major streaming services, such as Amazon and Apple, we follow an introverted French ex-chef as he relocates to the UK to begin his new life as a food critic. After renting a room in a house belonging to a well-respected London stockbroker, a friendship is formed … and secrets are revealed.
In his published piece, reviewer Alan Ng, who serves as the website’s editor-in-chief, noted, in part:
“Ultimately Makeup, is about a friendship that starts unexpectedly and evolves throughout the story. Andre portrays … an introverted person who has been through many hardships in life and relationships in France. However, he must work through his feelings and confusion to form a bond with [his housemate].
Having seen a significant number of LGBT films over the past decade, I can say that … what sets it apart from the pack is that the guiding force behind the story is how friendship can be forged in the most unlikely circumstances, and how friends stand up and support one another.”
Our thanks not only to Alan for his gracious review but to our cast and crew for helping to make this critically acclaimed project a reality.
Director: Hugo Andre
Written by: Hugo Andre & Will Masheter
Producer: Lucas A. Ferrara
APs: Will Masheter, Stuart Wolfe-Murray, Kelley Daniel, Hugo Andre
DOP: Dylan Vivian
1AC: Flo Goodlad-Skinner
2AC: Teddy Skinner
Sound Design: Atom Inions Morton
Music: Archie Jennings
H&MU: Georgia English, Alesia Baiocco
Cast: Hugo Andre, Will Masheter, Kent Goldfinch, Zak Watson Smith, Adam Starkey, Lloyd Mundell, Julia Anwuli Sydenham, Stuart Wolfe-Murray, Maria Lidze, Pete lnskip, Adele Marie, Charlie Baker, Ezekiel Martin, Lawrence Visconti, Louis Circe, Edward Saunders, Jorge Field, Daisy Hirst, Shaelyn Newmarch, Guillaume Trouson, Dorian Semencic.
To read the full review, visit: https://filmthreat.com/reviews/makeup-2/.
For a list of streaming services offering the film, click here: https://linktr.ee/makeupfilm
Now watch MAKEUP!
(And that’s no film threat ….)
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MAKEUP is exclusively distributed by FREESTYLE DIGITAL MEDIA and is represented by STRIKE MEDIA.
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To view a list of some of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://linktr.ee/lucasaferrara
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