Film reviewer, Giles Edwards, is affiliated with 366 WEIRD MOVIES, a respected website that celebrates “the cinematically surreal, bizarre, cult, oddball, fantastique, strange, psychedelic, and the just plain WEIRD!”
That esteemed group recently released it lists of “Top 10 Weird Movies of 2023,” and we’re honored to announce that 5000 SPACE ALIENS – animated, edited and scored by SCOTT BATEMAN (of Beacon, New York) – was selected by Mr. Edwards as his choice for the year’s #7 spot.
Here are his favorites:
2-A New Old Play
3-Moon Garden
4-Unicorn Wars
5-Beau Is Afraid
7-5000 Space Aliens
8-Corner Office
9-Infinity Pool
10-FP 4EVZ
In a prior review of the film, Mr. Edwards noted:
“Every single second is bursting with life from [Scott Bateman’s] augmentations, be it kinetic line-o-grams or the overtly Gilliam-esque animations utilizing black-and-white photographs of older “space aliens.” The second thank-you in the credits went to his crowdfunding backers, and with my brain joyfully glazed over by his efforts, I wish I could have helped him out myself. When you next have five-thousand seconds to kill, I advise you take up the challenge of observing and memorizing this barrage of space-alien cinematographical wonderment.”
Our sincerest thanks to Mr. Edwards for his support and selection.
To read more of his review, visit: https://366weirdmovies.com/366-underground-5000-space-aliens-2021/
To view the film, visit: https://linktr.ee/5000spacealiens
Now, see, that wasn’t very alien, at all!
It's streaming everywhere:
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5000 SPACE ALIENS is exclusively distributed by FREESTYLE DIGITAL MEDIA and is represented by STRIKE MEDIA.
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To view a list of some of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://linktr.ee/lucasaferrara
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#lucasaferrara @5000spacealiens @scottbateman @freestyledigitalmedia @strikemediaglobal
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