For its premier year, the event’s organizers decided that all the selected films must have been made in Appalachia, by Appalachian filmmakers/crew, or have subject matter related to the Appalachian region.
Among the projects selected to screen, you’ll find MANUFACTURED LUCK, a short film written and directed by Kevin Keck, an East Tennessee-based creative, who set out to “blend traditional Appalachian storytelling with film.”
In this story, we’re introduced to a young girl’s grandad, who has an affinity for contests, church raffles, and all things sweepstakes. And we follow the exploits of “two introverts from vastly different generations trying to bond.” It’s an inspirational message about love and family.
For addition information, visit: https://mtncraft.com/filmfestival.
Our sincerest thanks not only to everyone at MCFF, but to our hardworking team of Appalachia-based creatives on the selection.
@peteman.7 - Jim, Peter Aylward
Ash, Azra Basile
@ameliabartlett - Lilly, Amelia Bartlett (Best Supporting Actress, Cobb International Film Fest)
@b_evans24 - Producer, Brandon Evans
@tyleroxendine - Producer, Tyler Oxendine
@kevinckeck - Director, Kevin Keck
@_adamchapman - Director of Photography, Adam Chapman
@carrieferrelli - Production Design, Carrie Ferrelli
chelseyspaige - Costume Design, Chelsey Paige
@thatvintagedarling - Editor, Breeana Kovelman
@yeemeister, @truepeaksound - Sound Design, Shaun Yee and True Peak Soundworks
@robertmai107 - Composer, Robert Mai
@drnewport - 1st Ass’t Director, Hampton Newport
Nothing manufactured there.
To view a list of some of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11739610/
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