VIEWTIES, an eclectic e-magazine which was founded by Vanesa Miraglia, “celebrates art.” And to that end, each issue presents an “exclusive” profile – dedicated to a single creative or artistic theme – in an easy-to-read, “book format.”
Vanesa recently sat with the stars of a new play written by Jo Harper, called THE BEACH HOUSE, which will have a limited run at the Park Theatre (London), from Feb. 15 thru Mar. 11, 2023. I’m honored to be working with Jo, Bethany Pitts (director), Grace Nelder (co-producer), Thomas Wright (casting), and our performers, GEMMA BARNETT, KATHRYN BOND & GEMMA LAWRENCE, on this special piece which “explores the fragility of relationships as three women grapple with motherhood, sisterhood, and distractions. Until a betrayal exposes their secret ….”
Here’s a snippet of Vanesa’s chat with the cast:
What would you like the audience to take away from the story ….?
Barnett: I felt that the play was about sisterhood and forgiveness. We can often look elsewhere thinking that everyone is doing ‘life’ right and we’ve got it all wrong ….
Lawrence: I really enjoy watching humans being messy onstage. I think it allows space to reflect on your own messiness ….
Do you have any pre-show rituals?
Bond: I like to wear a scent my character would wear …. I also repeat some phrases. Too embarrassing to print.
Barnett: I have to eat a banana before every show I do. Don’t know why. It’s in my head that if I don’t eat the banana it will go badly. I can’t shake it ….
Lawrence: I love a warm-up. A bit of humming to take the edge off!
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For show details, visit: THE PARK THEATRE (LONDON)
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Why not join us for a dip at THE BEACH HOUSE?
#lucasaferrara @joharperdoyle @beth.pitts @gracenelder @tomwrightious @thebeachhouseplay @misskathrynbond @gemlbarn #play #drama #dramas #theatre #londontheatre #parktheatrelondon #relationships #actors #actresses #playwright #director #directing #producer #producers #show #performance #liveperformance