FIND THE LIGHT, an emotionally riveting short film written and directed by Abdullah Khan, and starring GEORGE MACKAY (“1917”), CRAIG MCGINLAY (“King Arthur”), SEEMA BOWRI, AMERJIT DEU, and JAYSOL DOL, can now be viewed, for FREE, on @omeleto — a YouTube channel with over 3.5 million subscribers, and home to the “world’s best short films.”
As Abdul noted, “It was a labour of love, and we’re extremely proud to share it with the world!”
You'll find the link to the entire film here: FIND THE LIGHT
Our thanks to Omeleto’s founder, Allen Tsai, and his entire team for the selection, and our congratulations to everyone who contributed to this special project. (Their Instagram tags follow.)
Written, Produced & Directed: @abs1999k @rosebudfilmsuk
Producer: @lucasaferrara
EP: @cameronkroghstone
AP: @motionhead
Starring: #georgemackay @jaysoldoy @rhys_stone3 @craigmcginlay @seemabowri @amerjitdeu @keenanmunn @spencerallum1997 @_harryjmiller_ @fin.vl @bengonzalesmt @sarahlilymua @lukanotwithac @kyletaylor06 @justjuwayriyya
Prod. Design @miko_y_wasowski
Costumes @hollycauser
DOP @arrangreen
HMU @syfermakeup @_sophiagm
Location Mgr: @marialuztremsal
Editor: Ruda Santos
Add’l Editors @carlyevabrown @abs1999k
Sound Design/ Re-Recording Mix @tonemanufacture
Sound Recordist: Rufus Ambler
Boom Op: David Salvatierra
Music @hollieboohiya
Colorist @fszulc_colour @nomadeditco
VFX: Harry Binstead
Storyboard @lottieboards
Trailer/Credits @filipparulski
1AD @matteostrobelt @top_tarasin
Crowd AD @joshsales4
Script Supv @merrynrae
Prod. Mgr: Steven Jeram
Set Dresser @adamjameshowe
Trinity Op @james.poole___
Underwater Op @zacmacaulay
Focus Puller @sphynxfilms_
Gaffers: Federico Belloli @shotbymather
Spark @mackenziestretch
2ACs: James Tilyard, Osman Tekdemir
Camera Package @arri @arri_rental
Casting @sydneyamee @camillaarthurcasting
Casting Assts @carmenflowerg Els Housley
Prod. Assts @kaiyanlalai @davidkemiki @jrosehatton Bailey Kelly
Trainees: James Hathwaite @ella_mcbrien @eloisegreenacre @conniejenkinsgrieg
Festival Consult @festivalformula
Don’t be blinded. FIND THE LIGHT.
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To view a list of some of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11739610/.
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#film #films #movie #movies #director #directors #moviemaker #moviemaking #findthelightshortfilm #drama #indie #shortfilm #mentalhealth #notoracism #antibullying