MANUFACTURED LUCK — a short film written and directed by Kevin Keck, an East Tennessee-based creative — sets out to “blend traditional Appalachian storytelling with film.” And in it, we’re introduced to a young girl, and her grandfather, who has an affinity for contests, church raffles, and all things sweepstakes.
According to Kevin, we follow the exploits of “two introverts from vastly different generations trying to bond.” And the two eventually align when grandad decides to make it his mission to win the kid the bicycle of her dreams. It’s an emotional and inspirational message about love and family.
We’re pleased to announce that this compelling film has been selected to screen at the 9th annual UPIKE Film & Media Arts Festival, which is being held in-person at the Pike County Library – 126 Lee Avenue – in Pikeville, KY, from April 28-29, 2023.
For additional information, please visit: http://www.fmafest.org/
In the meantime, we extend our thanks to the festival’s organizers, and congratulate our creative team. (Their Instagram tags follow.)
@b_evans24 - Producer, Brandon Evans
@tyleroxendine - Producer, Tyler Oxendine
@kevinckeck - Director, Kevin Keck
@_adamchapman - Director of Photography, Adam Chapman
@carrieferrelli - Production Design, Carrie Ferrelli
chelseyspaige - Costume Design, Chelsey Paige
@thatvintagedarling - Editor, Breeana Kovelman
@yeemeister, @truepeaksound - Sound Design, Shaun Yee and True Peak Soundworks
@robertmai107 - Composer, Robert Mai
@drnewport - 1st Ass’t Director, Hampton Newport
@peteman.7 - Jim, Peter Aylward
Ash, Azra Basile
@ameliabartlett - Lilly, Amelia Bartlett
Here’s a special “behind the scenes” piece which Kevin prepared. You’ll note there’s nothing manufactured about it at all!
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To view a list of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11739610/
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#lucasaferrara @manufacturedluck #luck #lottery #lotteries #fate #destiny #odds #shortfilm #love #shortfilms #film #films #indiefilm #indiefilms #granddad #grandfather #grandkids #director #filmmaker #filmmakers #filmmaking #lottery #sweepstakes #contest #contests #raffle #family