KEEP OFF THE GRASS, written and directed by Francis Rudd, will screen at IRIS PRIZE — UK’s biggest celebration of LGBTQ+ film (and a BAFTA-qualifying festival) — which is being held in Cardiff, Wales, from October 11 – 16, 2022.
In this short, two amateur soccer players struggle to come to terms with their sexuality. While attracted to the other, can the duo overcome the sport’s intolerance and find acceptance? To learn more, please visit: https://irisprize.org/film/keep-off-the-grass/
Our thanks to the festival’s organizers for this great honor, and congrats to the cast and crew (their Instagram tags follow):
Writer/ Director: Francis Rudd @rudd_2000
Producer: Tyla Sharp @tyla_sharp
AP & Prod Design: Rachel Craddock @rachelcraddock_
EP: Lucas A. Ferrara @lucasaferrara
Sponsor: Charlene Sharp
Sunny: Charles Humphreys @charleshumphreys.actor
Josh: Charlie Howard @charliejhoward
Finn: Elliot Douglas @evolutionofelliot
Manager: KC Flanagan @kc.flanagan
Dan: Harry Vinall @harry_georgevi
DOP: Deen Goss @deen.shakur
1AD: Urzula Solowiej @ulaa_xx
Prod Mgr: Ariana Nikolaou @ariananicolaou
Sound: Steven Li @steven.li.9
Editor & Sound Design: Claryn Chong @claryn.chong
Colourist: Leon-Ray Ryder -Potter @leonrayrp
Casting: Emily Brown @emilydrinksmilk & Grace Beaini @gracebeainii
Script Supv: Valeria Samoshkina @_nimm_
Composer: Hani Hooper @hanihooper
Gaffer: Maurits Hamel @mauritshamel
Props: Koko Odashima-Parker @koko_op
Prod Design Assts: Georgia Marshall @georgiamarshall_designs & Aaron Guino Maldonado
Costume: Jacqueline Torrisi @jacquelinetorrisi
Graphic Art: Sergio Jaèn Sànchez @sergiojaeen
Covid Supv: Fizza Hassan
Prod Supv: Ian D. Fleming @cottontownsound
Footballers: Mihai Feflea @mihaifeflea, Dylan Morris, Steven Munyard _stevenmyd, Kristian Gonda, Michael Pratap, Danny Johnson
Here's to scoring big!
To view a list of some of Lucas's other projects, click here: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm11739610/
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