Why are so many people fascinated by the notion of time travel?
Well, according to science writer, James Gleick, it’s because “people are obsessed with time.” He adds, “We struggle with it ever day of our lives, and more now than ever in the past. So it’s natural for us to turn to these stories … to get some relief from a difficult reality.”
If good, old-fashioned escapism is what you’re looking for, then you must … must … must, check out “TIME HELMET” – a new feature film written and directed by Emmy-nominated editor, and award-winning director, Mike Jackson. (In addition to his impressive credentials, Mike’s script for this project was a quarter finalist for the prestigious Academy Nicholl Fellowship.)
It’s a sci-fi comedy feature film, which is about “half in the can,” and only $13,000 is needed to reach completion. While substantial progress has been made, Mike and his all-volunteer team won’t be able to reach their goal, in this COVID-19 environment, without your help. So, they've started a crowdfunding campaign, and in exchange for a contribution to this side-splitting adventure, the production is giving away t-shirts, posters, movie-prop replicas, and, you can even get your name listed in the final credits.
To learn more, click this link: TIME HELMET.
Together we can defeat time … and enjoy some zany hilarity along the way.