1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


OATH Now Accepting Applications for CDRB Panelists

The New York City Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH) is accepting applications from qualified persons who would like to serve on Contract Dispute Resolution Board (CDRB) panels.

CDRB panels hear the final appeal in a three-step dispute resolution process contained in City contracts for construction, goods and services. Each CDRB panel consists of an OATH ALJ, as chair, a representative of the Mayor’s Office of Contract Services, and a third member selected from a pre-qualified roster of individuals, established and administered by OATH, who has appropriate expertise and is unaffiliated with the City.

Pursuant to Procurement Policy Board (PPB) rule 4-09(f)(3), the non-City neutral member of the CDRB may not have a contract or dispute with the City, be an officer or employee of any company or organization which has such a dispute, or regularly represent persons, companies or organizations having disputes with the City. In addition, upon designation to participate as a CDRB member in a particular dispute, the non-City neutral must fully disclose any prior or current relationship with any party to the dispute or any financial interests or conflicts of interests which may be relevant to the dispute or any party to the dispute.

CDRB panelists are paid a basic rate of $500 for the preliminary review of papers filed, attendance at the oral argument, participation in deliberations immediately following oral argument and review of the draft decision. Extra work, beyond the work covered by the basic rate, may be compensated at the rate of $125 per hour, subject to review by OATH of the reasonableness of the charged time.

Those interested in being added to the roster of pre-qualified individuals are encouraged to apply. Applicants should have a background and experience in government contracting, construction, engineering or related law. Interested persons should contact Martin Rainbow, OATH’s the senior law clerk, at: mrainbow@oath.nyc.gov. Please send a resume and request an application form to be completed. No deadline is posted at this time.
