Dear Lucas,
How refreshing is it to have women like Sandra Fluke who will lead the way on issues important to all of us. You may remember Sandra being viciously attacked for working to include birth control in health insurance plans – a vital women's equality and healthcare issue. She didn't give one inch - she brought the fight right back at the bullies who tried to silence her. And she won.
In 2012, I got to know Sandra Fluke pretty well. She was with me in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy – volunteering to help deliver food and necessities to NYC's most vulnerable.
Now she's running for the California State Senate, speaking out about human trafficking, skyrocketing student loan debt and workers' rights. This Monday night, I'm proud to be co-hosting an event to support Sandra Fluke's campaign. We need more women like Sandra Fluke in public life. I hope you'll join me there.
You can reserve tickets or just make a small contribution now at https://secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/nyyoungprofessionals. Details are below. Thank you.
Young Professionals for Sandra Fluke
Monday, May 19th 6-8 PM
Draught 55
245 East 55th Street
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/pfXn4
In solidarity,
Yetta [Kurland] -- pictured above