1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Lucas, Donald Trump and congressional Republicans are opening the door for Citizens United 2.0, letting dark money special interests have a field day in Washington.

They are poisoning must-pass federal spending bills by sneaking in provisions, or riders, that will allow churches and charities to freely contribute to political campaigns and remove requirements for companies and federal contractors to disclose their political spending.

We must not allow even more dark money to infiltrate our politics and elections. We cannot let Republicans get away with hijacking the federal budget to let wealthy special interests influence our democracy even more.

Call Senator Charles E. Schumer at (202) 224-6542 and Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand at (202) 224-4451. Demand that Congress remove these poison pill riders and pass a clean federal budget. Here's a sample script you can use for your call:

My name is Lucas Ferrara and I live in zip code 10460. I urge the senator to reject any poison pill riders in this year’s spending bills that allow wealthy special interests more influence in elections. We need to pass a clean budget. Thank you.

Once you complete your call(s), please click here to tell us how it went. We are keeping a tally of the calls our community makes.

Busy signal? Can't get through? Click here to sign and send a petition to your senator(s) demanding that they remove these poison pill riders and pass a clean budget.


Here are some of the poison pill riders conservative lawmakers are sneaking into the spending bills:

  • Block enforcement of the Johnson Amendment, allowing tax-deductible dark money to flow through churches and charities into our politics.
  • Stop the Securities and Exchange Commission from requiring companies to disclose their political spending.
  • Stop the IRS from creating clear definitions for nonprofit engagement in politics.
  • Prohibit federal contractors from being required to disclose political spending
  • Relax campaign finance coordination limits, which would allow candidates to spend significantly more.

We don't need more loopholes that make it easier for special interests to influence and corrupt our democracy. We need to ensure a democracy where all voters have an equal voice.

Call Senator Charles E. Schumer at (202) 224-6542 and Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand at (202) 224-4451. Demand that Congress remove these poison pill riders and pass a clean federal budget. Here's a sample script you can use for your call:

My name is Lucas Ferrara and I live in zip code 10460. I urge the senator to reject any poison pill riders in this year’s spending bills that allow wealthy special interests more influence in elections. We need to pass a clean budget. Thank you.

Once you complete your call(s), please click here to tell us how it went. We are keeping a tally of the calls our community makes.

Busy signal? Can't get through? Click here to sign and send a petition to your senator(s) demanding that they remove these poison pill riders and pass a clean budget.


Keep fighting,
Irna Landrum, Daily Kos

Daily Kos, PO Box 70036, Oakland, CA, 94612.
