1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


Lucas –

On average, 122 DACA recipients have been losing protection every day while the threat of deportation from the only country many of them have ever known closes in.

The futures of these young people are on the line, and Congress has done nothing. They’ve sat on their hands and let President Trump’s recklessness and impulsiveness throw the lives of nearly 700,000 young women and men into turmoil.

It’s a moral disaster.

With this president and this Congress, we’ve seen again and again that they only do the right thing when Americans demand it. We need to do that now. We need to speak out, make calls and post on social media. We need to show up, every day, and join the fight to help Dreamers stay where they belong.

The grassroots organization Indivisible has created a guide to help you fight back: https://www.indivisible.org/resource/tell-senator-defend-daca-support-durbin-graham-dream-act/

President Trump has done nothing but vilify people of color, from the very first moments of his campaign. It’s carried over into his administration in ways that could do irreparable damage to families and communities.

Congress needs to stand up to President Trump, and too many members of Congress only do the right thing when they’re under overwhelming pressure. I'm asking you to put that pressure on now, to stand up alongside these young people who are fighting for their rights, their families and their futures.

There is a right and wrong here, with no in-between. We need to raise our voices every day to fight this cruelty and keep Dreamers in the country they love and call home.

