1250 Broadway, 27th Floor New York, NY 10001


starks_nyreblog_com_ (2).jpgJohn Starks wants you to have all the trimmings this coming Thanksgiving.

To that end, on Monday, November 24, 2008, Starks and Brooklyn President Marty Markowitz are giving away 1000 turkeys and "several tons" of "apples, collard greens, baking potatoes and sweet potatoes."

Here's a copy of a press release we received from the BP's office:

On Monday, November 24, Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz will kick off the holiday season--with help from former New York Knicks star John Starks--by distributing a thousand Thanksgiving turkeys and seven tons of trimmings, including apples, collard greens, baking potatoes and sweet potatoes, to representatives of nearly a hundred Brooklyn community groups at Borough Hall Plaza. Several Lions Clubs from Brooklyn and other volunteers help distribute the food that will provide Thanksgiving meals for needy Brooklynites at senior centers, soup kitchens, churches, and women's shelters across the borough. 

Generous sponsors for this year's event include FreshDirect, Amalgamated Bank, Con Edison, the Court-Livingston-Schermerhorn Business Improvement District, Fairway Market, the Fulton Street Mall Improvement Association, Health Plus, the Korean-American Brooklyn Association, Rent-A-Center, Trader Joe's, and Whole Foods Market.

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